Nibiru is a side project of Nocturnal Overlord known from the cult of Crimson Moon. Although it sometimes is described as being Metal, I think this is not appropriate for this music, which also incorporates other elements. Although often simple in structure, the music is able to radiate great atmospheres.

- Why did you start Nibiru? Was it mainly because you wanted to make music that didn't fit in Crimson Moon. Or did you want something more personal, conceptually, as all lyrics for Crimson Moon are written by Scorpios?
NIBIRU actually started off as an ambient/alien synth project of mine back in 1996. I later decided to add acoustic guitars to the project. And then eventually I went ahead and decided to make it a full "band" with drums, bass, electric and acoustic guitars, synths, etc. Some of the songs from the demo and first album are actually old pieces that I later added more instruments to.

- Have you got reactions on the demo from outside the Metal scene? I can imagine that the music of Nibiru will also appeal to other people...
The whole reason NIBIRU exists is because of the strong Anunnakian influence and knowledge I have received throughout the years. So yes, the reactions have been from another world before it was even started.

- Initially you wanted to record vocals with Nibiru, why did you change your mind? Will Nibiru never include vocals or will you do it on later releases?
Originally, there was only synths. Of course there will be some vocals on NIBIRU. But not the usual. It will be more of an instrument to help show the entire hologram or picture.

- Kthulu Productions has released the Nibiru demo and co-released the "Under The Serpentine Spell" album. You also plan to release two Nibiru albums. Will you release bands in which you/the other Crimson Moon members are not involved? If you would release other bands of how great importance would their message be? I'm quite sure you wouldn't release just anything superficial, but would it be important that the bands visions are somewhat comparable to those of your own, or just that the members are true to what they stand for?
As of now, Kthulu Productions is still a small label and we plan to keep it that way. Maybe in the future, if funds make it possible, we might release other bands... it all depends on if we like the musick!!

- Why do you use this picture of what is supposed to be Gilgamesh (at least that's what I read) on the demo? What's the relation between this person and the Nibiru concept?
The relation is the flood told about in the tale. Of course the same flood from Noah's day. Which was caused by the return of the Anunnaki and NIBIRU.

- Nibiru is another name for Marduk. The concept is all about Nibiru but you also praise Tiamat. Isn't this a contradiction when we look at their battle? Or is it totally unnecessary to choose a side and you praise the battle for its results (being the 'conquering' of earth by the Anunnaki)?
I never said I praise anything or anyone! The best way to see the truth ... is to view everything at every possible angle.

- It is stated that the Anunnaki created Homo sapiens sapiens by mixing DNA of themselves with that of primitive man. But there is one thing which seems illogical to me: if life on earth developed independent of life on other planets, it seems a too big coincidence that the DNA structures would be the same (except if this really is the ONLY way to get life, which I doubt). A more logical explanation to me seems that they just knew how they had to adapt the DNA to get the result they wished, this indeed would mean a very developed status, which they are believed to have. Comments?
From what I have been shown... The Anunnaki are just humans themselves. Only millions of years older and more advanced.

- Another thing that appears to be strange to me is next: when do you think that the Annunaki 'created' modern man? Mostly it seems to be thought that it happened right before the sudden rise of civilization in Sumeria. But already at this time there were people living in Europe, although not in cities. So, the thing that bothers me is, if these people weren't altered by the Anunnaki, how come they later could develope the same level of civilization, while this didn't happen in Africa? And a lso, if the people of Africa aren't altered, which would be logic, because of their primitive way of living, then how is it possible that in the last 50 years it comes clear that also black people are able to study at universities and such?
As far as I knew... all humans are basically the same. We all have around the same size brain and can all adapt to the conditions we live in this time period, and have the same basic DNA. Haha, I thought this was common knowledge.
(NOTE: Of course, I know all men have the same basic DNA. My knowledge about DNA and genetics is good and still getting better. But there are small difference's, so I thought the change brought by the Anunnaki was one of those changes. Anyway, if the question seemed strange or wrong, then that is because my knowledge about when and how the Anunnaki intervened is (still) small and not because of bad knowledge about DNA.)

- You once said that paganism doesn't mean anything to you because you don't have an ancestral connection to Europe. But do you think you necessarily need to have an ancestral connection to a culture to be interested in it? Personally, I think it's interesting to read mythology from other cultures, next to mine, because you often see that basic lines are the same, so that they either must be very old or are rooted deep in human psychology.
I dont remeber ever saying Paganism doesn't mean anything to me. I always believed in Paganism actually. Of course you should learn about your ancestors and family. Without that, then what do you know?
Like I've always said, the more perspectives and angles you look at things, the more clear it gets. I find some truth in all cultures and religions.

- It has been confirmed more than once that people at once started to speak a language which was strange to them after they had been through a quite high level of mental/physical illness. I also heard that there were people in Thailand who suddenly spoke English after the tsunami. I read that it is possible to enter the hall of records by shock/disease... But it seems strange, since I've got the feeling this knowledge most probably won't help them getting better. And all in all, this seems small knowledge to me, just something manmade. So is there any use to enter it on this way?
In most "Near Death Experiences", people seem to feel reborn, or have felt a larger and more meaningful view of their existence. So people reaching the hall of records through shock, disease, fear, and illness doesn't suprise me.

- On your website there is a link to a Vampyre Temple, which holds a believe in physical immortality. I quote from your website: "Only Time and Space trap us here in this physical world, traps us in bodies made of flesh, blood, and bones." Don't we have a contradiction here?
What Link? ... and about the quote.. I don't see a contridication. It means exactly what it says. 3rd Dimension reality is what holds this world solid in physical form.

- It seems that most of the older Black Metalbands of America seem deeper connected to different paths of occultism (for example Yamatu, Absu, Bloodstorm, Crimson Moon...). Could this have got something to do with the fact that the christian tradition isn't as old as in Europe? And if the European bands aren't into Satanism, they'd easily get into Paganism, while there also isn't a real old Pagan tradition in America (at least for the white population) and therefore they maybe more easily get into other Occult paths if they aren't attracted to Satanism?
I have no idea... I just make my own path.

- What is also striking is that lots of members from these bands are playing in non-metal dark music (Equimanthorn, ...The Soil Bleeds Black, Hexentanz, Psychonaut 75, Nibiru, Akhkharu, Akrabu... are all a different style and are all connected to certain Metalbands). Seems these people are more open-minded than Europeans, although there are also people listening to other music, it rarely happens the same people play in Metal and non-Metalbands here. Any idea what the reason could be?
Once again I wouldn't know. I've never even been to Europe.

- That's it, hope to hear more from your music in time. Last words...
NIBIRU is getting nearer, and easier to see. Be sure to check out for more updates, news and merch.

Links of interest:
Kthulu Productions
Crimson Moon
Temple of the Dreaming Serpent